Thursday, September 18, 2008

El Lobo Herido

I'm doing everything I can to distract myself, to immerse myself in countless social functions and personal projects, but I can't get you out of my head.

I don't know if you miss me. I don't know if you care. But I miss you so much, Rojita. I miss you. so. goddamn. much. Half the time I feel like there's a knife twisting in my heart . . . the other half I just feel empty, and no matter what I try, I just can't fill the place that you're supposed to occupy.

I didn't want to bother you further with a phone call. I just wanted to say I love you and that I miss you terribly and that I wish there was a way to convince you that we are good for each other.

No, scratch that. I wish I didn't have to convince you. I wish you just knew.

Have a wonderful weekend. I'll be busy trying to distract myself with loud music and foreign sights and long stretches of highway. I have a feeling it won't do much, but it's worth a try. Anything at this point is better than brooding at home and wondering where you might be and what might inspire you to call upon me.

Rest assured, though, you will be in my thoughts.

You are always in my thoughts.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Matchmaker from Lansing

To: Velander
From: AG224

This could be the strangest message I've ever sent to anyone...

I can't even remember how I tripped on your profile. One of those look at this guy, then another is similar, then another, etc, etc

You and I are not a match in any way, so this is not a round about, convoluted pick-up. But, when I read the "you should message me if..." portion of your profile I thought of an old dear friend who is no longer a friend (very long story!). She lives in Chicago. She's beautiful, creative, so, so endearing in many ways. If you believe in following an illogical path for the hell of it, check her out on MySpace at[UCG].

That's all she wrote.


From: Justin
To: Elizabeth [UCG]
Date: Sep 12, 2008

Please friend me! A stranger told me that I should get in touch with you. I would like to go into detail, but I can't send you a note unless we're friends first.



From: Elizabeth
Date: Sep 13, 2008 2:28 AM

Ok, you've got my attention. What gives?


From: Justin
Date: Sep 13, 2008 7:07 PM


As you know by now, my name is Justin. I have a profile on OKCupid. (Link below. It's available for public viewing.) Yesterday morning I received an e-mail in my inbox from a woman in Lansing, MI who told me that she randomly stumbled across my profile during a match search. And although her and I are in NO WAY a match -- her words -- there was something about me that reminded her of an old friend in Chicago that she lost touch with (had a falling out with?). In fact, she thought that we might get along so well that she felt compelled to tell me how to get in touch with this person.

If you haven't guessed it by now, that person is you.

My curiosity is quite piqued, so I decided to see where this rabbit hole might take me. And if this stranger from Lansing is correct, you're probably the same way. So check out my profile(s) and whatnot and let me know what you think.



From: Elizabeth
Date: Sep 14, 2008 1:46 PM

Dear Justin,

This is rather curious...

Yes, I will meet you.

I'm sure,


From: Justin
Date: Sep 15, 2008 3:42 PM


I leave for a long weekend in Montreal on Thursday afternoon. I'll be back on Tuesday morning. This week is a little hectic, but I can likely make the time for a drink if you're available. Otherwise, we aim for next week?



From: Elizabeth
Date: Sep 15, 2008 5:20 PM


Honestly, I find you attractive, and I presume you would be interesting, and a lot of fun.

More honestly, I don't think we match what the other person is truly looking for.

I wish you well on all of your journeys,


From: Justin
Date: Sep 15, 2008 5:51 PM

Cold feet already? C'mon! Don't bail out now. It's just starting to get interesting.

1.) You have an IDEA -- just a notion -- of what I'm looking for, but nothing I've written is set in stone. In life, most everything is negotiable.

2.) I have no clue what you're looking for. I'd have to hear it from you first.

3.) You're under no obligation to do anything with me. The most I asked of you was coffee and conversation. Anything else is not my concern at this time.

4.) 'Cause you're going to mull this over . . . and you're going to change your mind.

And when you do, you know how to reach me.



From: Velander
To: AG224

I gave it a shot, but she got cold feet.

Thanks for thinking of me, though.



To: Velander
From: AG224

Cold feet? OK, I personally am amazed you didn't write the whole thing off as the most crack pot thing you'd ever heard. But, what do you mean by cold feet? Did you friend her or something? It's just so strange b/c reading your profile I was absolutely gripped with this feeling that you two would be perfect for each other. Maybe I'm just too wrapped up in fantasy and romance. I don't know...

Well, happy travels.



From: Velander
To: AG224

Of course it was completely nuts! That's WHY I contacted her! :)

I friended her and explained the situation. I said a woman from Lansing told me that I should get in touch with her. She agreed to meet . . . and then she wrote me again and said "I've changed my mind."

She'll reconsider. I'm certain of it. This is all too random not to follow the story to its full conclusion.

Until then,


Story to be continued. I'm sure of it.